lncludes NYC DOB 2-hour Drug & Alcohol Awareness and 8-hour Fall Prevention classes and SST card application and processing fees.
Local Law 196 requires all persons performing construction or demolition work at a major jobsite in any of the 5 boroughs of NYC to have an SST card. The most common way to earn an SST card is by completing an SST application and attending 40 hours of safety training: OSHA 30 Construction, 2-hour Drug & Alcohol Awareness, and 8-hour Fall Prevention.
You DO NOT need to attend OSHA 30 class BEFORE you attend 10-SST class. You can take the 40 hours of training in any order, but you will not receive your SST card until all 40 hours are completed and verified.
Advanced Online Registration Ticket price: $255 (plus processing fees)
Cash or company check price: $255
Credit card: $259