embed]https://youtu.be/DsvUnTQOy3I[/embed]The 30-hour Construction Outreach Training Program is intended to provide a variety of training to workers with some safety responsibility. New York Safety and Training provides OSHA 30 hour training NYC locations to help you get trained!
NYC Local Law 196 of 2017 will change the Construction Industry by requiring workers to earn a Site Safety Training (SST) Card
“How do I get a Site Safety Training (SST) card?”
Either complete a 100-hour Training Program (such as a union apprenticeship),
OR take the OSHA 10 plus 30 hours of additional SST training credits,
OR take the OSHA 30 plus 10 hours of additional SST training credits
(this method, taking the OSHA 30, makes you eligible for the
“Site Safety Training (SST) Supervisor” card).
New York Safety and Training’s course emphasizes hazard identification, avoidance, control, and prevention, not OSHA standards. Instructional time must be a minimum of 30 hours. OSHA mandates that the 30 hours of training be broken into 15 hours of mandatory topics, 12 hours of elective topics, and 3 hours of optional topics as follows:
Mandatory – 15 hours
Introduction to OSHA – 2 hours.
Covers workers’ rights, employer responsibilities, and how to file a complaint. It includes helpful worker safety and health resources. It also provides samples of a weekly fatality and 3 catastrophe report, material data safety sheet, and the OSHA Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses (OSHA Form 300).
Managing Safety and Health – 2 hours.
May include Injury and Illness Prevention Programs, job site inspections, accident prevention programs, management commitment and employee involvement, worksite analysis, hazard prevention and control, accident investigations, how to conduct safety meetings, and supervisory communication.
OSHA Focus Four Hazards – 6 hours.
Because most construction fatalities are caused by fall hazards, falls must be covered for a minimum of one hour and 15 minutes. The other focus four hazards must be covered for a minimum of one-half hour each. A trainer may spend up to 10 hours on this topic.
- (1) Falls (minimum one hour and 15 minutes)
- (2) Electrocution
- (3) Struck-By (e.g., falling objects, trucks, cranes)
- (4) Caught-In or Between (e.g., trench hazards, equipment)
Personal Protective and Lifesaving Equipment – 2 hours.
Health Hazards in Construction – 2 hours: May teach noise, hazard communication, and crystalline silica or any other construction health hazard.
Stairways and Ladders – 1 hour.
Elective – 12 hours:
The instructor will teach at least 6 of the following topics:
- Concrete and Masonry Construction
- Confined Space Entry
- Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Elevators, & Conveyors
- Ergonomics
- Excavations
- Fire Protection and Prevention
- Materials Handling, Storage, Use and Disposal
- Motor Vehicles, Mechanized Equipment and Marine Operations; Rollover Protective Structures and Overhead Protection; and Signs, Signals and Barricades
- Powered Industrial Vehicles
- Safety and Health Programs
- Scaffolds
- Steel Erection
- Tools – Hand and Power
- Welding and Cutting
- Optional – 3 hours
The instructor will teach other construction industry hazards or policies and/or expand on the mandatory or elective topics.
OSHA 30 hour training NYC locations and classes: